I have an issue coding on MS Access.
Here the code I have, easy code, to control a button to import data (from a form in MS Access to another MS Access DB). The macro is located in a DB protected by a pw. After few tests I am not able to find the good script to open and fill the pw. The pw must be included in the script to have an automatic process. (The username thing is properly sorted with a Public function).
MS Access 365 MSO 16.0 64bits Version 2108
Private Sub Command35_Click()
Dim AppAccess As Access.Application
Set AppAccess = GetObject("C:\Users\" & GetUserName & "\Databases\DB Friends.accdb")
AppAccess.Visible = False
AppAccess.DoCmd.RunMacro "Mcr_M_NewFriends"
Me.Command35.BackColor = RGB(255, 124, 128)
MsgBox "New friends data imported"
End Sub
Can you please help me on that? Thanks guys.
Try the following
Private Sub Command35_Click()
Dim acc As Access.Application
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim strDbName As String
strDbName = "C:\database Folder\abc.accdb"
Set acc = New Access.Application
acc.Visible = False
acc.OpenCurrentDatabase strDbName, False, "password"
Set db = acc.CurrentDb() '
acc.UserControl = True
acc.DoCmd.RunMacro "Mcr_M_NewFriends"
Me.Command35.BackColor = RGB(255, 124, 128)
MsgBox "New friends data imported"
End Sub