I am developing an app on flutter which has a login page.
When I run the app on an emulator and then when I do updates which activate the hot reload (I'm using VS Code), the app refresh without asking me to login again.
But when I run the app on the web, each time I have to reload the app I need to enter my login informations.
Do you know how to work around that ?
I didn't find a simple answer to this problem but what I did is that I added some logic in my main and my LoginScreen and used SharedPreferences.
In my LoginScreen, after the authentification is successfully validated I set my login informations in SharedPreferences, and the "isLoggedIn" boolean to true :
SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
prefs.setString('email', encrypt(data.name, key));
prefs.setString('password', encrypt(data.password, key));
prefs.setBool("isLoggedIn", true);
In the initState function of my main I check if I'm supposed to already be logged in and I call my authentification function using the login informations I already stored in SharedPreferences :
if (prefs.getBool("isLoggedIn") == true) {
await authentification(decrypt(prefs.getString('email').toString(), key), decrypt(prefs.getString('password').toString(), key));
loggedIn = prefs.getBool("isLoggedIn");
I define a displayFunction to choose which screen my app gonna return depending on my loggedIn boolean :
Widget displayPage() {
Widget widget = CircularProgressIndicator();
if (isDataLoaded == true) {
if (loggedIn == true) {
widget = HomePage();
} else {
widget = LoginScreen();
return widget;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
title: 'My App',
theme: ThemeData(
primarySwatch: Colors.blue,
textTheme: Theme.of(context).textTheme.apply(
bodyColor: LightColors.kDarkBlue,
displayColor: LightColors.kDarkBlue,
fontFamily: 'Poppins'
home: displayPage(),
In my logout function I set "isLoggedIn" to false :
prefs.setBool("isLoggedIn", false);