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Throwing an error from a stored throwing function

I have an array of throwing completion block handlers:

typealias CompletionBlock = (MyType) throws -> Void

private var handlers: [CompletionBlock] = []

I want to be able to recall them later on and throw an error like this:

for handler in handlers {
    handler(throw myError)

However, that doesn't work because it's expecting me to pass MyType to the handler, not an error. How can I do this?


  • Your question is a bit vague, but I'm going to assume you mean that you want the handlers to accept the result of a throwing function. That's possible, and I'll show how, but it's not quite what you want.

    "The result of a throwing function" can be expressed by calling a function that calls a throwing function:

    typealias CompletionBlock = (() throws -> MyType) -> Void

    Throwing an error in the way you've described like this:

    let result: () throws -> MyType = { throw MyError() }
    for handler in handlers {

    A handler would then look like:

    func h(result: () throws -> MyType) {
        do {
            let myType = try result()
            // ...
        } catch {
            // ...

    But this is not a great design. Most importantly it executes result many times. Instead you want to pass the Result of a throwing function:

    typealias CompletionBlock = (Result<MyType, Error>) -> Void
    let f: () throws -> MyType = { throw MyError() }
    let result = Result(catching: f)
    for handler in handlers {

    The more common look for this is along these lines:

    let result = Result {
        // Do various operations that might throw
        return value

    You can also convert back from Result to a throws using try result.get(). So you can easily move between Result and throws wherever you like. Result is best for storing. Throws is best for calling. You can have both.

    (And of course, you should also be looking to the future and exploring replacing completion handlers with async/await, but there are many reasons you might not do that right away, so Result will be an important tool for quite some time.)