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Concatenate certain values according to their keys using case

I want to know how to concatenate values for certain keys. Example data:

id key value
1 name Alex
1 status single
1 age 21
1 income 20K
1 hight 85
2 name David
2 status single
2 age 23
2 income 10K
2 hight 75

I try to concatenate just three keys Alex,21,85 per id.

So I have something similar to that:

select case
    when something then null
    else concat(name.value, age.value, hight.value)
from names

So what should be in the concat in order to get this values? I don't need to show the keys but just the values combined Alex,21,85 or David,23,75 each time the values are different for each id so it can't be hardcoded.


  • If I understand correctly, you have a dynamic list of keys such as name, age, hight and you want to display those values per user.

    You need to use aggregation and string_agg:

    select id, string_agg(
        "value", ','
    ) within group (order by charindex(',' + "key" + ',', ',name,age,hight,')) as csv
    from t
    where "key" in ('name', 'age', 'hight')
    group by id