I'm trying to save a plot to a bmp file on Windows 10. I can do it with the interactive terminals: windows or qt using the GUI. But I can't figure out how to do it with commands. Doing this just results in an empty file.
gnuplot> set terminal windows
Terminal type is now 'windows'
Options are '0 color solid butt enhanced standalone'
gnuplot> set output "file.bmp"
gnuplot> plot sin(x)
Closing file.bmp
If I start the gnuplot console and set term windows
and type plot sin(x)
gnuplot is crashing. This is certainly a bug or something wrong with my system (Win10, gnuplot 5.4.1). I can only plot without crash if I set the terminal option to docked layout 1,1
. But then, I get an empty BMP file like you got.
Actually, so far I haven't found any gnuplot version starting from 4.4.0 which seems to be able to create a correct BMP output.
So, then my suggestion would be to create a PNG output and convert this to BMP, e.g. via ImageMagick.
download and unzip the .zip version of ImageMagick
copy only the file magick.exe
to your gnuplot working directory (or somewhere else where your system can find it)
save the script below into the file SO71415908.gp
either in Windows command line type gnuplot -c SO71415908.gp
, or alternatively, in gnuplot console type load "SO71415908.gp"
. However, in the latter case I haven't found out how to close the Windows console windows without closing gnuplot.
### create a BMP file with gnuplot via help of ImageMagick
reset session
set terminal pngcairo
FILE = "SO71415908" # filename without extension
set output sprintf("%s.png",FILE)
plot sin(x)
set output # close the file, necessary or not?
system sprintf('magick %s.png %s.bmp',FILE,FILE)
### end of code
Two files: SO71415908.png
and SO71415908.bmp