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Unable to mute and unmute mic using applescript

I am working on a script to turn on/off mic on macOS

if input volume of (get volume settings) is 0 then
    if storedInputLevel exists then
        set volume input volume storedInputLevel
        log "unmute it"
    end if
    tell application "System Events"
        -- save the current input volume setting --
        set storedInputLevel to input volume of (get volume settings)
    end tell
    set volume input volume 0
    log "mute it"
end if

The above script works only when the initial state of mic volume is > 0 otherwise it throws error "storedInputLevel" doesn't exists.

The purpose of storedInputLevel is assign the mic volume that user used to configure. My goal is to toggle mic volume on/off.

Any help is appreciated


  • In the first line you are asking for a variable which doesn't exist. exists cannot be used on local variables, it can only be used on properties or elements.

    Basically you need a place to store a value permanently.

    In the past you could do that simply with a property. But since scripts can be code-signed and modifying a property breaks the signature it's not reliable anymore.

    An alternative is to store the value in user defaults. The value is stored in a property list file ~/Library/Preferences/com.myself.muteinput.plist

    Change com.myself.muteinput to whatever you like. System Events is not needed.

        set storedInputLevel to (do shell script "defaults read com.myself.muteinput value") as integer
    on error
        set storedInputLevel to 0
    end try
    if input volume of (get volume settings) is 0 then
        set volume input volume storedInputLevel
        log "unmute it"
        set storedInputLevel to input volume of (get volume settings)
        do shell script "defaults write com.myself.muteinput value -int " & (storedInputLevel as text)
        set volume input volume 0
        log "mute it"
    end if