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How to write Xunit test case of factory design pattern code block which is tightly coupled?

I would like to write xunit test case of below method. Could you please suggest alternate design so i can write xunit test case with minimum change in my current project.

public ActionResult Index(int id = 0, AssetFilterType filter = AssetFilterType.All)
            using (var tracer = new Tracer("AssetController", "Index"))
                ViewBag.JobId = id;
                var response = ContextFactory.Current.GetDomain<EmployeeDomain>().GetEmployeeFilterAsync(id, 
 CurrentUser.CompanyId, filter); // Not able write unit test case , please suggest alternate design. 
                return View("View", response);

current design is as follow

 public interface IDomain

 public interface IContext
            D GetDomain<D>() where D : IDomain;
            string ConnectionString { get; }

 public class ApplicationContext : IContext
        public D GetDomain<D>() where D : IDomain
            return (D)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(D));

        public string ConnectionString
                return "DatabaseConnection";

 public class ContextFactory
            private static IContext _context;
            public static IContext Current
                    return _context;
            public static void Register(IContext context)
                _context = context;

//var response = ContextFactory.Current.GetDomain**< EmployeeDomain>**().GetEmployeeFilterAsync(id, CompanyId, filter);
This line serve purpose to call specific class method i.e GetEmployeeFilterAsync from EmployeeDomain. Although it is very handy and widely used in our application but due to design issue i am not able to write unit test case.

Could you please suggest design so with the minimum change we can write unit test case.


  • step1 : Required library enter image description here

    step 2 : When the application starts , register required domain like

    protected void Application_Start()


    Step 3: create one static class and register all your domain


    public static class UnityConfig
            public static void RegisterComponents()
                var container = new UnityContainer();
               Initialize domain which will injected in controller 
                container.RegisterType<IPricingDomain, PricingDomain>();
                GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver = new UnityDependencyResolver(container);

    step 4 :

    so you can inject respective interface in constructor in controller file.

    goal : get rid of below any pattern in your project. and start writing unit test cases.