I am trying to add my context as an environment variable
in Azure Container App
like below but it throws an error.
az containerapp update -n MyContainerapp -g MyResourceGroup -v ConnectionStrings:MyContext=secretref:mycontextsecretkey
Invalid value: "ConnectionStrings:MyContext": Invalid Environment Variable Name
I tried with ConnectionStrings__MyContext
but the Asp.Net Core app does not recognize it.
How can I add this?
This error Invalid value: "ConnectionStrings:MyContext": Invalid Environment Variable Name indicates that environment variable you are trying to define is unsupported.
Instead of using "ConnectionStrings:MyContext", use MyConnectionStrings_MyContext as your environment variable.
You can use the below command,
az containerapp update -n MyContainerapp -g MyResourceGroup -v MyConnectionStrings_MyContext=secretref:mycontextsecretkey
Reference : Set Environment variables to Azure Container App | Miha Jakovac