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TYPO3 TypoScript: How to wrap a TEXT value for IMAGE altText

I need to build an IMAGE TypoScript which will display the altText and titleText in the resulting <img> HTML attributes.

This TypoScript does not work for some reason:

image = IMAGE 
image {
    file =  fileadmin/user_upload/myimage.png
    params = class="image-embed-item" loading="lazy" 
    titleText = TEXT
    titleText.value = My Image Title
    titleText.stdWrap.wrap = Bildtitel {|}
    altText = TEXT
    altText.value = My Image Alt Text
    altText.stdWrap.wrap = Alt-Text {|}
    imageLinkWrap >

The resulting image HTML is.

<img src="/" width="134" height="198" class="image-embed-item" loading="lazy" alt="Alt-Text {TEXT}" title="Bildtitel {TEXT}"

TYPO3 processes it as {TEXT} instead of using the value added to the TEXT. "{My Image Title}" should have been in the .

I have already tried to use stdWrap, wrap, wrap2, wrap3, innerWrap and outerWrap without any success. I am sure that there must be a solution for this.


  • You are mixing up different possibilities:

    altTextis of type "string /stdWrap". So, in the simplest case, you can assign a string to the property and define a wrap:

    image = IMAGE 
    image {
        altText =  My Image Alt Text
        altText.wrap = Alt-Text |

    If you have to do advanced stuff in your altText, you can use a cObject:

    image = IMAGE 
    image {
        altText.cObject = TEXT
        altText.cObject.value = My Image Alt Text
        altText.cObject.stdWrap.wrap = Alt-Text |

    Because of the order of rendering, it would also be possible to not wrap the string directly, but the whole cObject:

    image = IMAGE 
    image {
        altText.cObject = TEXT
        altText.cObject.value = My Image Alt Text
        altText.wrap = Alt-Text |

    And last but not least, stdWrap-function itself has a stdWrap-property, so you could also do:

    image {
        altText.cObject = TEXT
        altText.cObject.value = My Image Alt Text
        altText.stdWrap.wrap = Alt-Text |