If I try cc
or S
when the cursor (|
below) is in the following
public function blah()
var i = 0;
return i;
It stays in the first column instead of moving under the letter v
in var
. Pasting with ]p
also pastes starting from column 1.
My setup (in MacVim) is: autoindent
, smartindent
, nocindent
, and indentexpr=
, if that helps.
According to the following SO questions, correct indentation should be possible:
In the last post, @trVoldemort had the same issue (see the comments to the second answer).
Turn on cindent
:set cindent
This works for indenting with "cc" and "S", as long as the language has similar indentation to C (or support for cindent).
With this, the smart-indent paste (]p
) still doesn't work on an empty line, however. For that, remap ]p
as follows:
:nnoremap ]p oX<Esc>]pk"_dd
This will create a new line at the correct indentation before doing the re-indent paste. Then it goes back and deletes that line, making sure not to overwrite the default buffer.
You can also remap the alternative versions of the smart-indent paste:
:nnoremap ]P OX<Esc>]pk"_dd
:vnoremap ]p "_xkoX<Esc>]pk"_dd
:vnoremap ]P "_xkoX<Esc>]pk"_dd