It appears the default three part version is some sort of timestamp. I would like to be able to specify the version number when I generate the image versions. I see only a mention of the version format in a troubleshooting guide but no specifics on how to set it.
e.g. The image version name should follow Major(int).Minor(int).Patch(int) format, for e.g: 1.0.0, 2018.12.1 etc.
I setup the distributor with:
$distributorObjectParameters = @{
SharedImageDistributor = $true
GalleryImageId = $galleryImageId
ReplicationRegion = $Location
ArtifactTag = $tags
RunOutputName = $imageTemplateName
ExcludeFromLatest = $false
$distributorObject = New-AzImageBuilderDistributorObject @distributorObjectParameters
Then create the template with:
$templateParameters = @{
ImageTemplateName = $imageTemplateName
ResourceGroupName = $imageResourceGroup
Source = $sourceObject
Distribute = $distributorObject
Customize = $customizerCollection
Location = 'East US 2'
UserAssignedIdentityId = $identityResourceId
BuildTimeoutInMinute = $buildTimeoutInMinute
New-AzImageBuilderTemplate @templateParameters
Is there a parameter that I have overlooked for setting the version value?
The following answer was provided by someone from Microsoft on GitHub.
The parameter named galleryImageId
for the distributor sets the version. The parameter can be specified as one of two formats:
Automatic versioning - The format is:
Explicit versioning - The format is:
/subscriptions/<subscriptionId>/resourceGroups/<resourceGroupName>/providers/Microsoft.Compute/galleries/<sharedImageGalleryName>/images/<imageGalleryName>/versions/<version - for example: 1.1.1>
For reference:
To test it out, I modified my distributor setup with:
$distributorObjectParameters = @{
SharedImageDistributor = $true
GalleryImageId = "$($galleryImageId)/versions/0.0.1"
ReplicationRegion = $Location
ArtifactTag = $tags
RunOutputName = $imageTemplateName
ExcludeFromLatest = $false
$distributorObject = New-AzImageBuilderDistributorObject @distributorObjectParameter