I'm trying to make an operating system and I've written two programs: boot.asm and loader.asm, the compilation process was very success, but when I'm using bochs to debug my program, it gets stuck at the command 'int 13h'.Did anyone has a solution to this problem?
Here's my code:
org 07c00h
BPB_SecPerTrk dw 18
BS_DrvNum db 0
push bp
mov sp, sp
sub esp, 2
mov byte [bp-2], cl
push bx
mov bl, [BPB_SecPerTrk]
div bl
inc ah
mov cl, ah
mov dh, al
shr al, 1
mov ch, al
and dh, 1
pop bx
mov dl, [BS_DrvNum]
mov ah, 2
mov al, byte [bp-2]
int 13h ; the program gets stuck when running this line
jc Label_Go_Reading
add esp, 2
pop bp
times 510-($-$$) db 0
dw 0xaa55
Here's the debugger's output:
<bochs:45> n
Next at t=14041939
(0) [0x000000007ca1] 0000:7ca1 (unk. ctxt): mov al, byte ptr ss:[bp-2] ; 8a46fe
<bochs:46> n
Next at t=14041940
(0) [0x000000007ca4] 0000:7ca4 (unk. ctxt): int 0x13 ; cd13
<bochs:47> n ;the program gets stuck when executing this line
Can anyone tell me why does the program gets stuck and how to solve this problem(I think maybe the code before can't let 'int 13h' run)
ReadOneSector: push bp mov sp, sp <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< sub esp, 2 mov byte [bp-2], cl
There's a typo in the third line. You want to load the BP
register, not just nop on SP
Next solution avoids putting a local variable on the stack:
; IN (ax,es:bx,cl)
push bp
mov ch, 2 ; CH Function number
mov bp, cx ; CL Sector count
push bx
mov bl, [BPB_SecPerTrk]
div bl
inc ah
mov cl, ah
mov dh, al
shr al, 1
mov ch, al
and dh, 1
pop bx
mov dl, [BS_DrvNum]
mov ax, bp ; -> AH function number, AL sector count
int 13h
jc Label_Go_Reading
pop bp
If this routine is named "Read One Sector", then why is there even a parameter (in CL
) for the number of sectors?
Anyway, for reading/writing several sectors it's probably best to read/write a single sector and repeat that in a loop (look up multitrack problem):
; IN (ax,es:bx,cl)
movzx bp, cl ; CL Sector count 1+
push ax ; (1)
push bx ; (2)
mov bl, [BPB_SecPerTrk]
div bl
inc ah
mov cl, ah
mov dh, al
shr al, 1
mov ch, al
and dh, 1
pop bx ; (2)
mov dl, [BS_DrvNum]
mov ax, 0201h
int 13h
jc Label_Go_Reading
pop ax ; (1)
inc ax ; Next sector number
add bx, 512 ; Next sector buffer
dec bp
jnz NextSector