I have been attempting to get a two body problem to work, which in the future should be used for more planets, but it is not working and the plot I am supposed to get is circular but I am receiving a straight line for the two body systems. Does anyone know how I can fix this and get the correct plot?
This is the code I use:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
aEarth = 1 #semi-major axis (AU)
eEarth = 0.0167 #eccentricity (no units)
aMercury = 0.387098 #semi-major axis (AU)
eMercury = 0.205635 #eccentricity (no units)
Msun = 1 #Mass of Sun (Solar Mass)
Mearth = 3.0024584*10**(-6) #Mass of Earth (Solar Mass)
Mmercury = 1.65956463*10**(-7) #Mass of Mercury (Solar Mass)
Mes = (Msun + Mearth)
Mms = (Msun + Mmercury)
G = 1 #Gravitational Constant
apocentreEarth = (aEarth*(1 + eEarth))
apocentreMercury = (aMercury*(1 + eMercury))
vapocentreEarth = (np.sqrt((G*(Mearth+Msun)/aEarth)*((1-eEarth)/(1+eEarth))))
vapocentreMercury = (np.sqrt((G*(Mmercury+Msun)/aMercury)*(1-eMercury/1+eMercury)))
xEarth = apocentreEarth
yEarth = 0.0
zEarth = 0.0
vxEarth = 0.0
vyEarth =(vapocentreEarth)
vzEarth = 0.0
xMercury = apocentreMercury
yMercury = 0.0
zMercury = 0.0
vxMercury = 0.0
vyMercury =(vapocentreMercury)
vzMercury = 0.0
class CelBody(object):
# Constants of nature
def __init__(self, id, name, x0, v0, mass, color, lw):
# Name of the body (string)
self.id = id
self.name = name
# Mass of the body (solar mass)
self.M = mass
# Initial position of the body (au)
self.x0 = np.asarray(x0, dtype=float)
# Position (au). Set to initial value.
self.x = self.x0.copy()
# Initial velocity of the body (au/s)
self.v0 = np.asarray(v0, dtype=float)
# Velocity (au/s). Set to initial value.
self.v = self.v0.copy()
self.a = np.zeros([3], dtype=float)
self.color = color
self.lw = lw
# All Celestial Objects
t = 0
dt = 0.01
Bodies = [
CelBody(0, 'Sun', [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], Msun, 'yellow', 10),
CelBody(1, 'Earth', [xEarth, yEarth, zEarth], [vxEarth, vyEarth, vzEarth], Mearth, 'blue', 3),
CelBody(2, 'Mercury', [xMercury, yMercury, zMercury], [ vxMercury, vyMercury, vzMercury], Mmercury, 'pink', 3),
paths = [ [ b.x[:2].copy() ] for b in Bodies]
# loop over ten astronomical years
v = 0
for t in range(0,1000):
# compute forces/accelerations
for body in Bodies:
body.a *= 0
for other in Bodies:
# no force on itself
if (body == other): continue # jump to next loop
rx = body.x - other.x
r3 = (np.sqrt(rx[0]**2+rx[1]**2+rx[2]**2))**3
body.a = -G*other.M*rx/r3
for n, planet in enumerate(Bodies):
# use the Forward Euler algorithm
planet.a = -G*other.M*rx/r3
planet.v = planet.v + planet.a*dt
planet.x = planet.x + planet.v*dt
paths[n].append( planet.x[:2].copy() )
#print("%10s x:%53s v:%53s"%(planet.name,planet.x, planet.v))
for n, planet in enumerate(Bodies):
px, py=np.array(paths[n]).T;
plt.plot(px, py, color=planet.color, lw=planet.lw)
There is a problem in these lines:
planet.v += planet.v + planet.a*dt
planet.x += planet.x + planet.v*dt
They are equivalent to
planet.v = 2*planet.v + planet.a*dt
planet.x = 2*planet.x + planet.v*dt
which is not what you want.
Either don't use +=
, or change those lines to:
planet.v += planet.a*dt
planet.x += planet.v*dt
There is still a problem: the first line changes planet.v
, and then the second used the new planet.v
to update planet.x
, which is not how the explicit Euler integration should proceed.
(There is a comment in the code abou using symplectic Euler, but a comment to this answer says you meant to use forward (i.e. explicit) Euler.)
For this system, a simple fix is to switch the statements:
planet.x += planet.v*dt
planet.v += planet.a*dt
There may be other issues. If you need more help, please simplify the code as much as possible to create a minimal reproducible example. As it is now, it looks like there are quite a few irrelevant variables declared, two different places where you are computing Euler's method, two places where you assign dt
, three bodies defined when you say you are solving the two body problem, etc.
Edit After your update, there are a couple bugs left:
In the loop that begins for body in Bodies:
, in which you compute body.a
for each body, the results should be accumulated, so the line that updates body.a
should be
body.a += -G*other.M*rx/r3
(note the change to +=
In second inner loop (for n, planet in enumerate(Bodies):
), in which you apply the Euler method step, delete the line
planet.a = -G*other.M*rx/r3
You already computed the accelerations in the previous loop and stored them in planet.a
If I make just those two changes to the code that is now in the question, the plot shows the circular orbits that you expected.