I often read that lazy is not the same as non-strict but I find it hard to understand the difference. They seem to be used interchangeably but I understand that they have different meanings. I would appreciate some help understanding the difference.
I have a few questions which are scattered about this post. I will summarize those questions at the end of this post. I have a few example snippets, I did not test them, I only presented them as concepts. I have added quotes to save you from looking them up. Maybe it will help someone later on with the same question.
A function f is said to be strict if, when applied to a nonterminating expression, it also fails to terminate. In other words, f is strict iff the value of f bot is |. For most programming languages, all functions are strict. But this is not so in Haskell. As a simple example, consider const1, the constant 1 function, defined by:
const1 x = 1
The value of const1 bot in Haskell is 1. Operationally speaking, since const1 does not "need" the value of its argument, it never attempts to evaluate it, and thus never gets caught in a nonterminating computation. For this reason, non-strict functions are also called "lazy functions", and are said to evaluate their arguments "lazily", or "by need".
-A Gentle Introduction To Haskell: Functions
I really like this definition. It seems the best one I could find for understanding strict. Is const1 x = 1
lazy as well?
Non-strictness means that reduction (the mathematical term for evaluation) proceeds from the outside in,
so if you have (a+(bc)) then first you reduce the +, then you reduce the inner (bc).
-Haskell Wiki: Lazy vs non-strict
The Haskell Wiki really confuses me. I understand what they are saying about order but I fail to see how (a+(b*c))
would evaluate non-strictly if it was pass _|_
In non-strict evaluation, arguments to a function are not evaluated unless they are actually used in the evaluation of the function body.
Under Church encoding, lazy evaluation of operators maps to non-strict evaluation of functions; for this reason, non-strict evaluation is often referred to as "lazy". Boolean expressions in many languages use a form of non-strict evaluation called short-circuit evaluation, where evaluation returns as soon as it can be determined that an unambiguous Boolean will result — for example, in a disjunctive expression where true is encountered, or in a conjunctive expression where false is encountered, and so forth. Conditional expressions also usually use lazy evaluation, where evaluation returns as soon as an unambiguous branch will result.
-Wikipedia: Evaluation Strategy
Lazy evaluation, on the other hand, means only evaluating an expression when its results are needed (note the shift from "reduction" to "evaluation"). So when the evaluation engine sees an expression it builds a thunk data structure containing whatever values are needed to evaluate the expression, plus a pointer to the expression itself. When the result is actually needed the evaluation engine calls the expression and then replaces the thunk with the result for future reference. ...
Obviously there is a strong correspondence between a thunk and a partly-evaluated expression. Hence in most cases the terms "lazy" and "non-strict" are synonyms. But not quite.
-Haskell Wiki: Lazy vs non-strict
This seems like a Haskell specific answer. I take that lazy means thunks and non-strict means partial evaluation. Is that comparison too simplified? Does lazy always mean thunks and non-strict always mean partial evaluation.
In programming language theory, lazy evaluation or call-by-need1 is an evaluation strategy which delays the evaluation of an expression until its value is actually required (non-strict evaluation) and also avoid repeated evaluations (sharing).
I know most people say forget imperative programming when learning a functional language. However, I would like to know if these qualify as non-strict, lazy, both or neither? At the very least it would provide something familiar.
Short Circuiting
f1() || f2()
C#, Python and other languages with "yield"
public static IEnumerable Power(int number, int exponent)
int counter = 0;
int result = 1;
while (counter++ < exponent)
result = result * number;
yield return result;
int f1() { return 1;}
int f2() { return 2;}
int lazy(int (*cb1)(), int (*cb2)() , int x) {
if (x == 0)
return cb1();
return cb2();
int eager(int e1, int e2, int x) {
if (x == 0)
return e1;
return e2;
lazy(f1, f2, x);
eager(f1(), f2(), x);
I know the answer is right in front of me with all those resources, but I can't grasp it. It all seems like the definition is too easily dismissed as implied or obvious.
I know I have a lot of questions. Feel free to answer whatever questions you feel are relevant. I added those questions for discussion.
const1 x = 1
also lazy?const1 x = 1
? Reductions seem to fit the definition of lazy.Thank you SO!
Non-strict and lazy, while informally interchangeable, apply to different domains of discussion.
Non-strict refers to semantics: the mathematical meaning of an expression. The world to which non-strict applies has no concept of the running time of a function, memory consumption, or even a computer. It simply talks about what kinds of values in the domain map to which kinds of values in the codomain. In particular, a strict function must map the value ⊥ ("bottom" -- see the semantics link above for more about this) to ⊥; a non strict function is allowed not to do this.
Lazy refers to operational behavior: the way code is executed on a real computer. Most programmers think of programs operationally, so this is probably what you are thinking. Lazy evaluation refers to implementation using thunks -- pointers to code which are replaced with a value the first time they are executed. Notice the non-semantic words here: "pointer", "first time", "executed".
Lazy evaluation gives rise to non-strict semantics, which is why the concepts seem so close together. But as FUZxxl points out, laziness is not the only way to implement non-strict semantics.
If you are interested in learning more about this distinction, I highly recommend the link above. Reading it was a turning point in my conception of the meaning of computer programs.