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Kotlin room database boolean

Im trying to create an app where a user can has a list of goals of steps to reach they create and then choose one of them to be active and to follow. The database works when I was just using the goal id, name, and steps but now I realised I need to insert another column defining when a goal is active so Im trying to insert that, however I don't know how I should handle the boolean especially in the repository and viewModel. I'd appreciate any help. Thanks in advance

here's my code

interface Dao {

@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
suspend fun insert(goal: Goal)

suspend fun updateGoal(goal: Goal)

@Query("SELECT * FROM user_goal_table order by goalId")
fun getAll(): LiveData<List<Goal>>

@Query("SELECT * FROM user_goal_table WHERE goalId = :key")
suspend fun getGoal(key: Int): Goal

suspend fun delete(goal: Goal)

@Query("SELECT * FROM user_goal_table WHERE goal_is_active = 1 order by goalId")
suspend fun makeGoalActive(key: Int): Goal

class Repository (private val dao : Dao){

val allGoals: LiveData<List<Goal>> = Dao.getAll()

suspend fun insert(goal: Goal){

suspend fun update(goal: Goal){

suspend fun delete(goal: Goal){

suspend fun active(goal: Goal, int: Int){

class ViewModel (application: Application) : AndroidViewModel(application) {

val allGoals: LiveData<List<Goal>>
private val repository: Repository

    val dao = GoalDatabase.getInstance(application).getGoalDao()
    repo = Repository(dao)
    allGoals = repository.allGoals


fun insert(goal: Goal) = viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO){

fun update(goal: Goal) = viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO){

fun delete(goal: Goal) = viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO){


  • Just add a new property like isActive: Boolean to your Goal class and then use @Update annotation in Room (that you've already implemented in updateGoal(goal: Goal) method of your Dao) or UPDATE command itself in SQLite to update the row you want to change its isActive state. For using SQLite do something like below:

    @Query("UPDATE user_goal_table SET isActive = 1 WHERE goalId = :goalId")
    suspend fun makeGoalActive(goalId: Int)

    For boolean properties, use 1 for true and 0 for false in SQLite commands.

    In Repository, this method is enough:

    suspend fun active(goalId: Int) {

    And in the ViewModel:

    fun insert(goal: Goal) = viewModelScope.launch {

    Btw, you don't need to determine IO dispatcher for Room methods, Room uses its own dispatcher to run queries.