I am trying to specify custom font for admob native ads CTA button.
But I'm getting this error.
Value of type 'UIView?' has no member 'titleLabel'
class ListTileNativeAdFactory : FLTNativeAdFactory {
(nativeAdView.callToActionView as? UIButton)?.setTitle(nativeAd.callToAction, for: .normal)
nativeAdView.callToActionView.titleLabel.font = UIFont(name: "Arial", size: 20)//This line gives error!
return nativeAdView
How can I solve my problem? Thanks...
I solved my problem. We need NSAttributedString & NSMutableAttributedString classes.
For nativeAdView, don't use setTitle method, instead use
setAttributedTitle method.
As a result,
The solution:
class ListTileNativeAdFactory : FLTNativeAdFactory {
let myAttribute = [ NSAttributedString.Key.font: UIFont(name: "Arial", size: 20.0)! ]
let myString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: nativeAd.callToAction!, attributes: myAttribute)
(nativeAdView.callToActionView as? UIButton)?.setAttributedTitle(myString, for: .normal)
return nativeAdView