I've a question, in my simulation model I wanted to create some randomness of quantities of agents arrival. In my model the chance is 25% that the quantity is 1, 50% that quantity is 2 and 25% that the quantity is 3. I want to generate these quantities by using the split function of anylogic and than in the split function I want to add a distribution, which gives the values based on this distribution.
But is there a distribution in Anylogic, which fits to this kind of estimations or should I really do it manually. I was already thinking about using a rounded value of a normal distribution, but I'm not sure if this is correct.
You can use a custom distribution to create any shape of distribution you want (it is under the Agent palette).
In your case, you would need to pick one of type discrete as shown below.
Then, in the split block you would specify the number of copies as