I have a PowerPoint with a couple macros: one that allows you to load some data from a Word, and another one that exports the PowerPoint to the same location where the Word was. This is the latter:
Sub export()
Dim dlgSaveAs As FileDialog
Dim strMyFile As String
Dim ppPres As Presentation
Set dlgSaveAs = Application.FileDialog(Type:=msoFileDialogSaveAs)
With dlgSaveAs
.InitialFileName = path & "Exported without macros - " & company & " (((insert date)))"
If .Show = -1 Then
strMyFile = .SelectedItems(1)
'MsgBox strMyFile
ActivePresentation.SaveAs strMyFile, 1
'-- save your file to strMyFile here
'MsgBox "No file selected."
'-- The user pressed Cancel.
End If
End With
Set dlgSaveAs = Nothing
End Sub
To be honest, I didn´t wrote this code. I found it months ago and adapted it and I dont know how it really works.
The issue is that when the 'Save As' FileDialog opens, the file extension seems to be ok:
But after pressing 'save' the file gets saved as a .ppt:
Any idea how to fix this?
Change this:
ActivePresentation.SaveAs strMyFile, 1
to this:
ActivePresentation.SaveAs strMyFile, 24
or to
ActivePresentation.SaveAs strMyFile, ppSaveAsOpenXMLPresentation