With Windows SQL would it be possible to set parameters that allows users to select that dictates what results will be returned based on value entered?
Basically, instead of creating 3 separate queries for each where clause option row below, I am hoping when entering a case statement in the where clause the same can be achieved.
For example, if the user selects A, he should retrieve values that are %gre% or %sma%.
declare @value as varchar(2)
set @value = 'A'
select personA, personB
from dbo.list
when @value = 'A' then (option like '%gre%' or option like '%sma%')
when @value = 'B' then (option like '%tin%' or option like '%mic%')
when @value = 'C' then (option like '%gig%' or option like '%mul%')
If there are any other better ideas, I am open for suggestions.
It looks like you are just trying to do
(@value = 'A' and (option like '%gre%' or option like '%sma%')) or
(@value = 'B' and (option like '%tin%' or option like '%mic%')) or
(@value = 'C' and (option like '%gig%' or option like '%mul%')) ;