I have list of products which gets renewed on monthly or yearly or both. If the renewal value is 'M' then the product is renewed on monthly basis. If the renewal value is 'Y' the the product is renewed on yearly basis.
So my query is, If I choose method(M/Y) and a particular date(P_date), I want the details of products that are eligible for renewal.
For eg:
P_no start_date renewal_date end_date
1001 01-01-2022 01-02-2022 31-01-2022
1002 01-01-2022 01-01-2023 31-12-2022
If I choose P_date
as 06-01-2022
and renew
as M
then P_no
should be selected
If I choose P_date
as 06-01-2022
and renew
as A
then P_no
should be selected
I wrote the below query
select * from products
where P_no in('1001','1002') and
CASE renew
WHEN renew = 'M' and round(months_between(renewal_date,start_date)) = 1 then
TO_CHAR(TO_DATE (P_date,'DD-MM-YYYY'),'DD-MON-YYYY') BETWEEN start_date AND end_date
WHEN renew='Y' and round(months_between(renewal_date,start_date)) = 12 then
TO_CHAR(TO_DATE (P_date,'DD-MM-YYYY'),'DD-MON-YYYY') BETWEEN start_date AND end_date
end ;
and got error:
Missing Keyword
What am I doing wrong?
You are trying to change the conditions that applied to the query based on the case expression, which won't work; you could have that evaluate to say 0/1 and compare with than, but it's just going to make it harder to read.
Instead, just use Boolean logic for the whole thing; assuming renew
can only ever be M or Y then maybe:
select * from products
where P_no in('1001','1002') and
renew = 'M' and round(months_between(renewal_date,start_date)) = 1 and
TO_CHAR(TO_DATE (P_date,'DD-MM-YYYY'),'DD-MON-YYYY') BETWEEN start_date AND end_date
renew='Y' and round(months_between(renewal_date,start_date)) = 12 and
TO_CHAR(TO_DATE (P_date,'DD-MM-YYYY'),'DD-MON-YYYY') BETWEEN start_date AND end_date
or perhaps:
select * from products
where P_no in('1001','1002') and
(renew = 'M' and round(months_between(renewal_date,start_date)) = 1)
(renew='Y' and round(months_between(renewal_date,start_date)) = 12)
and TO_CHAR(TO_DATE (P_date,'DD-MM-YYYY'),'DD-MON-YYYY') BETWEEN start_date AND end_date;
Although either way your conversion of p_date
looks very odd. If that is a date data type (as it should be, if possible) then just do:
P_date BETWEEN start_date AND end_date
and if it's a string convert it to a date, but not back to a string again:
TO_DATE (P_date,'DD-MM-YYYY') BETWEEN start_date AND end_date
Of course, that assumes start_date
and end_date
are also dates. If they are strings (and they shouldn't be) then P_date
wouldn't need to be converted, but the comparison wouldn't work as you expect with the format you're seeing/using.