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Vivado Launch SDK does not apper on file menu

I try to create IP Block in vivado and launch SDK but Launch SDK does not appear file menu.

1-I create a project and I choice the zedboard Zynq Evaluation Board

2-I create a block design and I add a ZYNQ7 Processing System. enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

3-Then I connect the M_AXI_GPI0_ACLK to FCLK_CLK0.

enter image description here

4-Configuring ZYNQ Processing System IP (I choice the zedboard from presets menu)

5- Validate design

6-Create HDL wrapper

enter image description here

7-Generate Outputs Products

enter image description here

8-Generate Bitstream

enter image description here

9-File>export>export hardware(Include bit stream is on)

After this step I need to open SDK but when I open file menu there is no Launch SDK option. In addition I dont close the implemented design, or the block design Why Launch SDK does not appear?

enter image description here


  • Looks like SDK is included in Vitis. I did a clean install and marked vitis during installation and the problem went away (I had marked and installed vivado before). Of course, some things have changed. Instead of file>launch sdk, it is necessary to follow the path of tools>launch vitis. The error that occurs when you press launch vitis after a clean install has been resolved.This link has a better explanation for solution.