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Stop a loop process in shell scripting after some time

I have a script that looks like this, this script is checking whether my pods is in Running state or Not by redefining x on every loop.

x=$(/opt/oc get pods --selector app=${bamboo.shortPlanName} -o jsonpath='{range .items[]}{.status.phase}{"\n"}{end}')

until [ "$x" == "Running" ];
   sleep 5
   x=$(/opt/oc get pods --selector app=${bamboo.shortPlanName} -o jsonpath='{range .items[]}{.status.phase}{"\n"}{end}')
   echo $x

But, I want to modify my current script to also support timeout, I mean after 60 second of looping, then it should be stop, or after 12 times of looping, then it should be stop. Any idea how to do that?


  • bash provides a special variable SECONDS that can be used as a rough timer.

    while (( SECONDS < 60)); do
        x=$(/opt/oc get pods --selector app=${bamboo.shortPlanName} -o jsonpath='{range .items[]}{.status.phase}{"\n"}{end}')
        if [[ $x == Running ]]; then
        sleep 5

    The expansion of SECONDS gives you not the assigned value, but the difference between the numbers of seconds since the assignment and the assigned value. The effect is like a variable whose value is incremented by 1 each second.