I have a dataset with dead bird records from field observers.
Death.Date Observer Species Bird.ID
1 03/08/2021 DA MF FC10682
2 15/08/2021 AG MF FC10698
3 12/01/2022 DA MF FC20957
4 09/02/2022 DA MF FC10708
I want to produce a dataset from this with the number of unique Bird.ID / Month so I can produce a graph from that. ("unique" because some people make mistakes and enter a bird twice sometimes).
The output in this case would be:
Month Number of dead
08/2021 2
01/2022 1
02/2022 1
The idea is to use the distinct
function but by month (knowing the value is in date format dd/mm/yyyy).
In case your Date column is character type first transform to date type with dmy
Change format to month and year
and summarize
library(lubridate) # in case your Date is in character format
df %>%
mutate(Death.Date = dmy(Death.Date)) %>% # you may not need this line
mutate(Month = format(as.Date(Death.Date), "%m/%Y")) %>%
group_by(Month) %>%
summarise(`Number of dead`=n())
Month `Number of dead`
<chr> <int>
1 01/2022 1
2 02/2022 1
3 08/2021 2