I have linux box, where there is a user "user1", using C shell. The user has .cshrc in its home directory with some useful environment settings.
when I use this ansible logic though, the environment is not set properly for the user.
- name: some playbook
hosts: remote_host
become: yes
become_user: root
become_method: sudo
- name: Check environment variables for user1
become: yes
become_user: user1
become_method: sudo
shell: "env"
register: envresult
- name: debug env
var: envresult.stdout
In the output I can see that the variables set in .cshrc are not in the environment. How can I force ansible to process the login scripts of users upon become?
Thank you!
You should add become_flags: "-i"
to your playbook. The task then looks like
- name: Check environment variables for user1
become: yes
become_user: user1
become_method: sudo
become_flags: "-i"
shell: "env"
register: envresult
More Information is available at the Ansible documentation.