I am looking to tag users when I publish media via the Instagram Graph API.
I have been able to successfully publish photos and videos but have not been able to tag users.
This is what I am trying:
params = getCreds() # get creds from defines
params['media_type'] = 'IMAGE' # type of asset
params['media_url'] = 'path to my image' # url
params['caption'] = 'My Caption'
params['user_tags'] = ('kevinhart4real',0.5, 0.8)
imageMediaObjectResponse = createMediaObject(params) # create a media object
Where the person I want to tag is Kevinhart4real and I want to place the tag at the XY coordinates of (.5,.8)
I have been following this tutorial
I used this:
params['user_tags'] = ''' [
x: 0.5,
y: 0.8
and don't forget to add this to the container:
endpointParams['user_tags'] = params['user_tags']