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How to choose an Opentelemetry backend vendor?

With Opentelemetry becoming the new standard of tracing, and it being vendor-agnostic, how do we then choose a backend vendor for opentelemetry?

For example, there are currently many vendors that supports Opentelemetry like GCP Cloudtrace, Datadog, Dynatrace, Lightstep, Instana. How do you choose a vendor for just opentelemtry? Or it doesn't matter at all since opentelemetry is cloud-agnostic and we can just choose the cheapest one to store our traces


  • Disclosure: I'm a developer at Aspecto.

    Some parameters I would consider:

    • Cost and plan compared to the scale
    • Search capabilities: can I search my traces easily and accurately
    • Sampling capabilities
    • Works well with my infrastructue
    • Supported languages
    • Can handle high scale
    • Good support, responsive
    • Smooth UX, clear visualizations
    • Data retention

    What qualifies a vendor? (list)
    A vendor can be considered "Support OpenTelemetry" or "Implements OpenTelemetry".

    Support OpenTelemetry:

    The vendor must accept the output of the default SDK through one of two mechanisms:

    1. By providing an exporter for the OpenTelemetry Collector and/or the OpenTelemetry SDKs
    2. By building a receiver for the OpenTelemetry protocol

    Implements OpenTelemetry:

    A vendor with a custom SDK implementation will be listed as "Implements OpenTelemetry". If the custom SDK is optional, the vendor can be listed as "Supports OpenTelemetry".