Two closely-related data structures are the suffix tree and suffix array. From what I've read, the suffix tree is faster, more powerful, more flexible, and more memory-efficient than a suffix array. However, in this earlier question, one of the top answers mentioned that suffix arrays are more widely used in practice. I don't have any experience using either of these structures, but right now it seems like I would always prefer a suffix tree over a suffix array for problems that needed the functionality they provide (fast substring checking, for example).
In what circumstances would a suffix array be preferable to a suffix tree?
(By the way, while this question is related to the one I've linked, I don't think it's an exact duplicate as I'm interested solely in a comparison of suffix arrays and suffix trees, leaving tries completely out of the picture. If you disagree, though, I would understand if this question were to be closed.)
Citing from
Suffix Arrays and Suffix Trees used to be different. But nowadays Suffix Arrays are just a way of implementing a Suffix Tree (or vice versa). See: Kim, Kim, and Park. Linearized suffix tree: an efficient index data structure with the capabilities of suffix trees and suffix arrays. Algorithmica, 2007.
The Kim et al paper is well written, accessible and has references to other important papers, such as the one by Abouelhoda et al.