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Calculate intersected distance across polygons between two points

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I have shape files including all the coordinates (lat, long) of different polygons, for example the black, red, and green shown here. I would like to calculate the distance that the AB line across different polygons. I am using geopandas and also exploring gdal, but have not figured out any functions would allow this computation or I need implement from scratch. Thanks!


  • import shapely
    import geopandas as gpd
    import geopy.distance
    world = gpd.read_file(gpd.datasets.get_path("naturalearth_lowres"))
    dims = (4, 3)
    a, b, c, d = world.loc[world["name"].eq("Ukraine")].total_bounds
    g = 0.4
    # generate some polygons and a line that cuts through some of the polygons
    gdf_grid = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
   + g, miny + g, maxx - g, maxy - g)
            for minx, maxx in zip(
                np.linspace(a, c, dims[0]), np.linspace(a, c, dims[0])[1:]
            for miny, maxy in zip(
                np.linspace(b, d, dims[1]), np.linspace(b, d, dims[1])[1:]
    gdf_line = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
                [shapely.geometry.Point(a, b), shapely.geometry.Point(c, d)]
    # start point of linestring, point we sill calc distance from
    l_start = gdf_line.loc[0, "geometry"].coords[0]
    # associate every polygon with the line being measures
    df_x = gdf_grid.merge(gdf_line.rename(columns={"geometry": "line"}), how="cross")
    # intersection will give a line string of the points where line intersects polygon
    # from each of these points calc distance to start point
    gdf_grid["distances"] = df_x.intersection(gpd.GeoSeries(df_x["line"])).apply(
        lambda g: [round(geopy.distance.geodesic(l_start, p).km, 2) for p in g.coords]
    # visualize ....
    m = gdf_grid.explore(height=200, width=400)
    gdf_line.explore(m=m, color="red")

    data frames

    The line does not pass through some of the polygons, hence no distances.

    distances geometry
    0 [120.44, 658.42] POLYGON ((27.68400190604637 45.69330801043112, 27.68400190604637 48.41419129088147, 22.48560835133485 48.41419129088147, 22.48560835133485 45.69330801043112, 27.68400190604637 45.69330801043112))
    1 [] POLYGON ((27.68400190604637 49.21419129088147, 27.68400190604637 51.9350745713318, 22.48560835133485 51.9350745713318, 22.48560835133485 49.21419129088147, 27.68400190604637 49.21419129088147))
    2 [752.25, 937.0] POLYGON ((33.68239546075789 45.69330801043112, 33.68239546075789 48.41419129088147, 28.48400190604637 48.41419129088147, 28.48400190604637 45.69330801043112, 33.68239546075789 45.69330801043112))
    3 [1176.08, 1360.15] POLYGON ((33.68239546075789 49.21419129088147, 33.68239546075789 51.9350745713318, 28.48400190604637 51.9350745713318, 28.48400190604637 49.21419129088147, 33.68239546075789 49.21419129088147))
    4 [] POLYGON ((39.68078901546941 45.69330801043112, 39.68078901546941 48.41419129088147, 34.48239546075789 48.41419129088147, 34.48239546075789 45.69330801043112, 39.68078901546941 45.69330801043112))
    5 [1453.4, 1985.1] POLYGON ((39.68078901546941 49.21419129088147, 39.68078901546941 51.9350745713318, 34.48239546075789 51.9350745713318, 34.48239546075789 49.21419129088147, 39.68078901546941 49.21419129088147))
    0 LINESTRING (22.08560835133486 45.29330801043113, 40.08078901546941 52.3350745713318)


    Two distances which relate to the two points line intersects polygons that is being hovered over

    enter image description here

    multiple lines, irregular polygons

    • scope of question has been extended: What if the polygon shapes are irregular and share boundaries? How do I check which intersect line belong to which polygon?
    • countries boundaries are irregular and shared. Used countries as polygons instead
    • have created 3 lines (horizontal, vertical and diagonal). Use exactly same approach, looping through lines and adding distances as columns to polygons geo data frame
    gdf_poly = world.loc[(world["continent"]=="Europe") & (~world["iso_a3"].isin(["-99","RUS"]))].copy().reset_index(drop=True)
    a,b,c,d = gdf_poly.total_bounds
    gdf_line = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
        data={"line": ["diagonal", "vertical", "horizontal"]},
            shapely.geometry.LineString([(a, b), (c, d)]),
            shapely.geometry.LineString([((a + c) / 2, b), ((a + c) / 2, d)]),
            shapely.geometry.LineString([(a, (b + d) / 2), (c, (b + d) / 2)]),
    # multiple lines,  put distances into columns
    for _, r in gdf_line.iterrows():
        l_start = r["geometry"].coords[0]
        gdf_poly[r["line"]] = gdf_poly.intersection(
            gpd.GeoSeries([r["geometry"]] * len(gdf_poly),
            lambda g: [
                round(geopy.distance.geodesic(l_start, p).km, 2)
                for gg in ([g] if isinstance(g, shapely.geometry.LineString) else g.geoms)
                for p in gg.coords
    m = gdf_poly.explore(height=400, width=800)
    gdf_line.explore(m=m, color="red")
    • Germany intersects vertical four times, so their are four distances for vertical

    enter image description here