I am working on a notes app and using VS code in Ubuntu 20.04 I have integrated the SQFLite and path plugins but I am getting the exception
MissingPluginException (MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method getDatabasesPath on channel com.tekartik.sqflite))
Here is the integration of plugins
sqflite: ^2.0.2
path: ^1.8.0
These are the imports for these plugins
import 'package:path/path.dart';
import 'package:sqflite/sqflite.dart';
And here is the way I am accessing databases paths
Database db = await openDatabase(join(await getDatabasesPath(), "notes.db"),
onCreate: ((db, version) async {
await db.execute('''
CREATE TABLE $tableName (
$col1Name TEXT,
$col2Name TEXT,
$col3Name DATE
}), version: 1);
I have tried flutter clean
but it is also not working
plugin is not supported on linux, you need to use the sqflite_common_ffi
package that works both for flutter and dart VM on linux. More information here