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PowerShell Script to display all users part of AD security groups within an OU in AD

I am new to PowerShell I am trying to display all AD security groups within a certain OU and to display each user part of that security group.

I want to show username and name and the security group name to a CSV file.

I have managed to get this information but I had to manually add the AD security group name within the script itself:

$groups = "GroupName1", "GroupName2", "GroupName3", "GroupName4", "GroupName5"

$results = foreach ($group in $groups) {
    Get-ADGroupMember $group | select samaccountname, name, @{n='GroupName';e={$group}}, @{n='Description';e={(Get-ADGroup $group -Properties description).description}}


$results | Export-csv C:\Users\Sam\Desktop\Users.csv -NoTypeInformation 

The above script outputs the information I require but as stated above I have to manually enter the Security GroupName within the script itself.

I think the command I need to use is Get-ADGroup

Any help is appreciated thanks.


  • You can use Get-ADGroup -Filter * -SearchBase 'OUdnHere' to search for all groups under your desired Organizational Unit, then you can simply apply the same logic you already have:

    1. Loop over the Groups
    2. Get their memberships
    3. Construct the output
    4. Export to CSV
    $ou = 'distinguished name of my OU here'
    Get-ADGroup -Filter * -SearchBase $ou -Properties Description | ForEach-Object {
        foreach($member in Get-ADGroupMember $_) {
                SamAccountName = $member.SamAccountName
                Name           = $member.Name
                GroupName      = $_.Name
                Description    = $_.Description
    } | Export-csv C:\Users\Sam\Desktop\Users.csv -NoTypeInformation