---------- Summary
If I have 2D data psi_hat_kxt
and I take its FFT down columns and FFT-shift the result, np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(psi_hat_kxt, axis=0))
, where are the negative frequencies located? Shouldn't they be in the top half of the resulting array? If so, when I plot the result (squared element-wise to get real data) using imshow
, is there an implicit up-down flip somewhere?
---------- Detailed
I have a simulation that evolves a field in spatial Fourier space (k-space) and I want to show the frequency content for each k. That is to say, I want to plot the spatio-temporal spectrum, a.k.a. k-omega plot, by taking the FFT in the time direction, squaring, and plotting. I am doing all this in NumPy,
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# other code that assigns variables like Nt, Nx, Deltat, dx etc.
My data [Edit: which is complex-valued] is arranged as rows containing the k-space data, and time evolves moving down each row. I read this in from an external binary file and then reshape:
fname = open('../output/ky0slices.bin','rb')
psi_hat_kxt_vec = np.fromfile(fname, dtype=np.complex_)
psi_hat_kxt = np.reshape(psi_hat_kxt_vec , (Nt,Nx))
I then do the FFT down the columns, shift, and square to get a real number:
komega_spec = np.abs( np.fft.fftshift (np.fft.fft(psi_hat_kxt, axis=0)) )**2.0
Finally I plot using imshow:
om_ax = 2*np.pi * np.fft.fftshift( np.fft.fftfreq(Nt,d=Deltat) )
k_ax = 2*np.pi * np.fft.fftshift( np.fft.fftfreq(Nx,d=dx) )
log_komega_spec = np.log(komega_spec)
extnt=[k_ax[0], k_ax[-1] , om_ax[0], om_ax[-1] ]
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
im = plt.imshow(log_komega_spec, extent=extnt , aspect='auto')
In the end I get an image that looks correct,
But I don't understand why it is actually correct.
Namely, from reading the docs I thought that after the fftshift
, the negative temporal frequencies should have their Fourier coefficients in the top rows of the fft data, i.e. komega_spec[0,:]
should contain a row with all the Fourier coefficients corresponding to frequency -Nt/2
But from the shape of the plot it appears that this row corresponds to the positive frequency Nt/2-1
. (It seems this way because the parabola is convex, as it should be for physical reasons, please ignore the omega-axis ticks as they are controlled by extnt
Is imshow
maybe doing an implicit flipud
In short: why does it seem that the top half of komega_spec
contains the positive frequency data?
The answer is that we need to make the transformation omega -> - omega
to convert between the physical omega = k^2
of the dispersion relation
(in the sense that we expand the function in plane waves
psi(x,t) = Sum psi_hat(k, omega) * exp[i(k*x-omega*t)]
and the omega
that is the argument of what the FFT spits out
(in the sense that the FFT calculates
F(omega) = Sum f(t) * exp[ +i(omega*t) ]
So the physical dispersion relation should indeed show up in the "negative frequencies" as far as the FFT is concerned..