I'm looking for a colormap library which converts a given value into red, green and blue values. Similar to the colormap feature of matlab [1]. Preferrably in C++.
In think this is way too simple for a library personally i've implemented it my self their is the example in C++ (you can look up wikipedia for the math explanation):
* Computes the color gradiant
* color: the output vector
* x: the gradiant (beetween 0 and 360)
* min and max: variation of the RGB channels (Move3D 0 -> 1)
void GroundColorMix(double* color, double x, double min, double max)
* Red = 0
* Green = 1
* Blue = 2
double posSlope = (max-min)/60;
double negSlope = (min-max)/60;
if( x < 60 )
color[0] = max;
color[1] = posSlope*x+min;
color[2] = min;
else if ( x < 120 )
color[0] = negSlope*x+2*max+min;
color[1] = max;
color[2] = min;
else if ( x < 180 )
color[0] = min;
color[1] = max;
color[2] = posSlope*x-2*max+min;
else if ( x < 240 )
color[0] = min;
color[1] = negSlope*x+4*max+min;
color[2] = max;
else if ( x < 300 )
color[0] = posSlope*x-4*max+min;
color[1] = min;
color[2] = max;
color[0] = max;
color[1] = min;
color[2] = negSlope*x+6*max;