I was going through the tutorial https://hal.inria.fr/inria-00407778/document for ssreflect and they have the proof:
Variables A B C : Prop.
Hypotheses (hAiBiC : A -> B -> C) (hAiB : A -> B) (hA : A).
Lemma HilbertS2 :
apply: hAiBiC; first by apply: hA.
exact: hAiB.
but it doesn't actually work since the goal is
which puzzled me...what is this not working because the coq version changed? Or perhaps something else? What was the exact argument supposed to be anyway?
I think I do understand what the exact
argument does. It completes the current subgoal by making sure the proof term (program) given has the type of the current goal. e.g.
Theorem add_easy_induct_1_exact:
forall n:nat,
n + 0 = n.
exact (fun n : nat =>
nat_ind (fun n0 : nat => n0 + 0 = n0) eq_refl
(fun (n' : nat) (IH : n' + 0 = n') =>
eq_ind_r (fun n0 : nat => S n0 = S n') eq_refl IH) n).
for the proof of addition's commutativity.
Module ssreflect1.
(* Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat. *)
From Coq Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Theorem three_is_three:
3 = 3.
Proof. by []. Qed.
Lemma HilbertS :
forall A B C : Prop,
(A -> B -> C) -> (A -> B) -> A -> C.
(* A ->(B -> C)*)
move=> A B C. (* since props A B C are the 1st things in the assumption stack, this pops them and puts them in the local context, note using the same name as the proposition name.*)
move=> hAiBiC hAiB hA. (* pops the first 3 premises from the hypothesis stack with those names into the local context *)
move: hAiBiC. (* put hAiBiC tactic back *)
by [].
(* move: hAiB.
apply. *)
by apply: hAiB.
(* apply: hAiB.
by [].dd *)
Variables A B C : Prop.
Hypotheses (hAiBiC : A -> B -> C) (hAiB : A -> B) (hA : A).
Lemma HilbertS2 :
apply: hAiBiC; first by apply: hA.
exact: hAiB.
Lemma HilbertS2 :
(* apply: hAiBiC; first by apply: hA. *)
apply: hAiBiC. (* usually we think of : as pushing to the goal stack, so match c with conclusion in
selected hypothesis hAiBiC and push the replacement, so put A & B in local context. *)
by apply: hA. (* discharges A *)
exact: hAiB.
End ssreflect1.
full script I was using. Why does that not put the hypothesis in the local context?
The reason why your example fails is probably that you did not open a section. The various hypotheses that you declare are then treated as "axioms" and not in the context of the goal.
On the other hand, if you start a section before the fragment of text that you posted, everything works, because then the goal before the exact: hAiB.
tactic also contains hypothesis hA
, which is necessary for exact:
to succeed.
Here is the full script (tested on coq 8.15.0)
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Section sandbox.
Variables A B C : Prop.
Hypotheses (hAiBiC : A -> B -> C) (hAiB : A -> B) (hA : A).
Lemma HilbertS2 :
apply: hAiBiC; first by apply: hA.
exact: hAiB.
End sandbox.