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Publish to arm64 not working when cultured resx file added

I've created a .Net 6.0 project that uses resx files for localization. In a Properties folder a Resources.resx file was added (Build action: EmbeddedResource CustomTool: ResxFileCodeGenerator) I was able to publish this to arm-64. Here is the pubxml file:

    <Platform>Any CPU</Platform>

Then I add a file into the properties folder (Build action: EmbeddedResource) When I try to publish now it fails saying that 'arm64' is not a valid setting for option 'platform' These are the last lines from the output:

2>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0A\bin\NETFX 4.8 Tools\x64\al.exe /culture:nl /out:obj\Debug\net6.0\linux-arm64\nl\LocalizationResx.resources.dll /platform:arm64 /template:obj\Debug\net6.0\linux-arm64\LocalizationResx.dll /embed:obj\Debug\net6.0\linux-arm64\

2>'arm64' is not a valid setting for option 'platform'

The publish works if I set linux-arm as target runtime.

Is this a bug in visual studio? (2022 v17.1.0)

Is there a way to make the publish succesfull?

Is there a better way to do localization for .net 6.0 projects that need to run on an arm64?


  • What fixed the issue for me was opening the csproj file of the executable project and add <GenerateSatelliteAssembliesForCore>true</GenerateSatelliteAssembliesForCore> to the PropertyGroup that contains the targetFramework.

    The csProj file of the dummy project looks like this now:

    <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
        <EmbeddedResource Update="Properties\">
        <EmbeddedResource Update="Properties\Resources.resx">

    The publishing to linux-arm64 is working now