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How to configure Basic Logs in Azure Log Analytics - how to get bearer token?

I have Azure Log Analytics and Azure Application Insights. I want to set certain tables in my Log Analytics to "Basic Logs" because that is cheaper. First I want to just check the settings for these tables.

I am trying to follow this article:

The article tells me to get a bearer token by following this other article:

I extract a bearer token from the Azure Portal using the developer tools. It looks like this (a few hundred characters long): Bearer ey...A.

I then try to do this in PowerShell:

$BearerToken = "Bearer ey...A"
$uri = "<subscriptionId>/resourcegroups/<resourceGroupName>/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/<workspaceName>/tables/<tableName>?api-version=2021-12-01-preview"
Invoke-WebRequest $uri -Headers @{Authorization = $BearerToken}

This gives me:

{"error":{"code":"InvalidAuthenticationToken","message":"The access token is invalid."}}

In my PowerShell session I am logged in as the same user as in the Portal (using az login).

Might it be a rights issue? I have "Owner" and "Contributor" access to the Log Analytics workspace.

What do I need to do to get through the authentication? Do I need any further headers or options on my Invoke-WebRequest call?


  • The issue is probably because the audience of the token isn't set to, the resource you want to have access to.

    If you try out this command:

     az account get-access-token --resource= --query accessToken --output tsv

    You'll end up with a token which looks like this:

      "aud": "",
      "iss": "[guid]/",
      "iat": 1646746056,
      "nbf": 1646746056,
      "exp": 1646750582,
      "acr": "1",

    You can copy the complete token to to see the values of all claims.

    This token is meant for the management API, so will probably work.