I want to run multiple process in python with ROS services and serial communication (between Raspberry Pi and ESP32 Microcontroller) in my robot. The software schematic in the robot is shown in this image
I start doing in C++ as can see from this link How to use ROS services and serial communication with posix and semaphores in C++? but I realized that my modules for serial communication and the ODOM(Pressure, IMU) read are in python.
So, the structure of the program should be the following one. First I Open Serial port (Serial communication of the Raspberry PI 4). While the Serial is Open Two processes are running
First one, the main one run automatically and do the following: The thread ask for ODOM Updates(Pressure and IMU from the microcontroller) and Publish them. Also every 0.3 seconds check the modem inbox and if something new it publish.
The other one only on DEMAND from ROS Services detect that there is new message in the modem inbox do HALT( on the first main Process) and execute (publish) on the serial Port. Then the first process resume with normal work
So I trying to do first some pseudo python code that looks like these But I need help as Im new to python and multithreading. Here it is
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from sys import ps1
import rospy
import numpy as np
from os import system
import time
import threading
import Microcontroller_Manager_Serial as Serial
import IMU_Functions as IMU
import Pressure_Functions as Pressure
from std_msgs.msg import Float32
mutex = threading.Lock()
from std_msgs.msg import String
Communication_Mode_ = 0 # Serial Communication
pub_pressure = rospy.Publisher('depth',Float32,queue_size=1)
P0 = 1.01325 #Default Pressure
def callback(data):
global P0
while (Serial.Serial_Port_Standard()): # While serial Port is open
data_received_pressure = Pressure.Pressure_Get_Final_Values(1,1)
data_received_imu = IMU.IMU_Get_Values(1, 1)
P1 = (np.int16((data_received_pressure[6]<<24) | (data_received_pressure[7]<<16) | (data_received_pressure[8]<<8) | (data_received_pressure[9])))/10000
P0 = (np.int16((data_received_pressure[6]<<24) | (data_received_pressure[7]<<16) | (data_received_pressure[8]<<8) | (data_received_pressure[9])))/10000
P = P1 - P0 # Relative Measured Pressure
pressure = P
print ("pressure not obtained")
Modem.Send_Data(Communication_Mode, receiver_ID, data_size, data_to_send)
def listener():
# Not sure how to check every 0.3 seconds the modem inbox and if something new it publish. And also the DEMAND from ROS Services detect that there is new message in the modem inbox do HALT( on the first main Process) and execute (publish) on the serial Port. Then the first process resume with normal work
For the modem check up I though need something like this , but im not sure.
def callback_modem(data_in):
data_in = Serial.Serial_Port_Receive_Data(20,0.2)
if (data_in[0] == 91) # Received data from acoustic modem
rt = RepeatedTimer(1, data_in, "Recieved Data") # it auto-starts, no need of rt.start()
modem_data= data_in
sleep(0.3) # your long-running job goes here...
rt.stop() # better in a try/finally block to make sure the program ends!
The third thread with ROS Services callback should be like this?
def handle_ros_service(req):
data_received_temperature = TEMPERATURE.TEMPERATURE_Get_Values(1, 1)
Tempetrature = (np.int16((data_received_imu[6]<<24) | (data_received_imu[7]<<16) | (data_received_imu[8]<<8) | (data_received_imu[9])))/10000
return handle_ros_service(req.Tempetrature)
def publish_on_serial():
# send temperature over serial port
You could build a default, simple node with two callbacks, one of which is your message callback for the subscribed ROS topic, and one of which is a callback to a TimerEvent which can be called repeatedly every 0.3 seconds. You need to start the TimerEvent before rospy.spin()
in the main.
The code could look like this:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import threading
import rospy
from std_msgs.msg import String
mutex = threading.Lock()
def msg_callback(msg):
# reentrang processing
# work serial port here, e.g. send msg to serial port
# reentrant processing
def timer_callback(event):
# reentrant processing
# work serial port here, e.g. check for incoming data
# reentrant processing, e.g. publish the data from serial port
def service_callback(req):
# read out temperature
# send temperature over serial port
if __name__ == '__main__':
# initialize serial port here
rospy.Subscriber('/test_in', String, msg_callback)
rospy.Service('on_req', Empty, service_callback)
rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.3), timer_callback)
In fact, rospy starts two different threads for the callbacks. However, these threads are not running in parallel on different cores due to the GIL but they get scheduled and switch execution at certain system calls, e. g., when calling IO operations. Hence, you still need to sync your threads with a Lock as you did in your question.