I got error ValueError('<class \'AttributeError\'>: "\'float\' object has no attribute \'number_of_days\'" while evaluating\n\'result =-(contract.wage/31) * worked_days.Unpaid.number_of_days\'')
when I'm trying to deduct Unpaid Leave from Payroll. I'm new in Odoo. Please help me.
I recently installed https://apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/15.0/om_hr_payroll/ this third party community edition.
I have created Salary Rule as like below Snapshot
now, then I added that salary rule in Salary Structures
Now then when I click Compute Sheet in Employee Payslips then I got error as like below snapshot
I was seen this Blog post of this Module Provider Company https://www.cybrosys.com/blog/hr-unpaid-leaves-payroll-management-in-odoo-10
but still I got error in payroll
My Odoo Version is latest odoo_15.0 (Community Edition)
If you are using this https://apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/15.0/om_hr_payroll/ payroll module, then there are many object variables available for customize salary rule using python code section. see below I shared available variables list
# Available variables:
# payslip: object containing the payslips
# employee: hr.employee object
# contract: hr.contract object
# rules: object containing the rules code (previously computed)
# categories: object containing the computed salary rule categories (sum of amount of all rules belonging to that category).
# worked_days: object containing the computed worked days.
# inputs: object containing the computed inputs.
# Note: returned value have to be set in the variable 'result'
wagePerDay = contract.wage // for get Wage from Contract
totalWorkingDays = worked_days.WORK100.number_of_days // for get total working days (excluded public holidays, Sunday also... if you set Saturday off then Saturdays also)
date2 = payslip.date_to // for get selected Payslip date_to
date1 = payslip.date_from // for get selected Payslip date_from
Leaves = 0
for line in payslip.worked_days_line_ids:
Leaves += line.number_of_days // get number of leave (category wise like, total unpaid leave, total of paid leaves, total of sick leaves, total of Global Leaves)
Now below I shared my Final Answered for Deduct Unpaid Leave from salary
This is Python condition field input
unpaidLeaves = 0
for line in payslip.worked_days_line_ids:
if line.name == "Unpaid" and line.code == "UNPAID" :
result = line.number_of_days
This is Python code field input
# Available variables:
# payslip: object containing the payslips
# employee: hr.employee object
# contract: hr.contract object
# rules: object containing the rules code (previously computed)
# categories: object containing the computed salary rule categories (sum of amount of all rules belonging to that category).
# worked_days: object containing the computed worked days.
# inputs: object containing the computed inputs.
# Note: returned value have to be set in the variable 'result'
# ---------------------
# totalWorkingDays = worked_days.WORK100.number_of_days
# date2 = payslip.date_to
# date1 = payslip.date_from
# sec_Of_1Day = 86400
# wagePerHour = contract.wage / 30 / employee.resource_calendar_id.hours_per_day
wagePerDay = contract.wage / 30
unpaidLeaves = 0
if worked_days.Unpaid and worked_days.Unpaid.number_of_days or False:
result= wagePerDay * unpaidLeaves
for line in payslip.worked_days_line_ids:
if line.name == "Unpaid" and line.code == "UNPAID" :
unpaidLeaves = line.number_of_days
result_qty = round(unpaidLeaves, 2)
result = round(wagePerDay, 2)
# result = wagePerDay
# result = wagePerDay * unpaidLeaves
See below Snapshot of Output
you can see below snapshot of my answer