I have a CSV Excel file with a lot of rows. When I import it with csv.reader it converts it into a 2D-List where every Row is a single list. How do you break open those and convert every cell to a single list.
My Input:
aspired output:
sorry if this question has been asked a lot, but i dont really find a solution for me.
Edit: There is something else I didnt notice when I looked in at the output. It is a 2D list and the items in the nested list are saved between highcommata like: [['1;2;3']]
I can't tell if your lists there are lists or strings since you have semi-columns delimiting them. Under the assumption they are a string you can use
example = ["1;2;3","Hello;How;areyou","test;1;2","4;5;6"]
desired = [[[elm] for elm in l.split(';')] for l in example]
>>> [[['1'], ['2'], ['3']],
[['Hello'], ['How'], ['areyou']],
[['test'], ['1'], ['2']],
[['4'], ['5'], ['6']]]
if they are in fact 2d lists then the following gives what you want I think
example = [[1,2,3],["Hello","How","areyou"],["test",1,2],[4,5,6]]
desired = [[[elm] for elm in lst] for lst in example]
>>> [[[1], [2], [3]],
[['Hello'], ['How'], ['areyou']],
[['test'], [1], [2]],
[[4], [5], [6]]]
have a read of https://www.programiz.com/python-programming/list-comprehension for some more examples of list comprehension to get these kind of results