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Disable history in etcd key value store

Is there any way to disable the history saving in etcd?

I am going to use etcd as KV for my app and I don't need history for the key values.

When I search etcd, I couldn't find about disabling the history.

I don't want to use the compacting feature in etcd.


  • Event history is part of etcd.

    It was acknowledged, as far back as 2015 in issue 4432 ("Consider moving events out of etcd") that:

    Events account for the overwhelming majority of our etcd write volume, which is causing a variety of performance and stability problems.
    We could consider a different delivery mechanism for the events.

    But for now, this is still managed by etcd.

    There are other Key-Value referential which might prove simpler to manage than etcd in your case. I use prologic/bitcask.