Given the enumeration class with a private constructor, how can I configure AutoBogus.AutoFaker to use my custom strategy when generating such a class?
In Example:
public class CardType
: Enumeration
public static CardType Amex = new(1, nameof(Amex));
public static CardType Visa = new(2, nameof(Visa));
public static CardType MasterCard = new(3, nameof(MasterCard));
private CardType(int id, string name)
: base(id, name)
I'd like to configure AutoBogus.AutoFaker in such way, that whenever it tries to generates a CardType
it would use my code instead of not finding a public constructor and returning null
I have tried CardTypeFaker : AutoFaker<CardType>
but it only allows to configure Rules for properties of the class, not the instantiation of the class itsself.
I know I could create such an AutoFaker config for every class holding a CardType
but that seems tedious.
talking about this library and specifically about the AutoFaker part
I just figured it out myself.
The global configuration does the work:
AutoFaker.Configure(builder =>
builder.WithOverride(_ => new Faker().PickRandom(CardType.GetAll()));
I added the answer because the docs are not clear about and don't provide an example for this use case. As such someone might find it usefull.