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HSTS preload Meaning

In MDN HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS), it has an example of HSTS settings as below

Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload

where I can find the corresponding mean of max-age and includeSubDomains in RFC 6979, but it does not have the meaning of preload.

I have tested in latest Chrome and Firefox, and it seems that preload does not do anything at all. With and without preload, on requesting http request, both trials if using Chrome, can find 307 Internal Redirect made by Chrome browser without requesting to the server, which is what HSTS expect.

So what is the purpose of preload?

In addition, even if I add HSTS header, it will still have a chance to be attacked, on the first time the user visit the website with HTTP. How can we mitigate from this risk? That is, how can we tell the browser to add the domain to HSTS list before any request are sent to the server?


I have found, which if I need to register the domain, requires me to add max-age and preload directive. Is it the reason why preload is necessary? And this should be the page where I should add my domain to ensure new user are safe from SSL Stripping Attack?


  • Preload is a big commitment. It will effectively be hardcoded into a browser’s code. Given it takes several months at a minimum to roll out new version, it’s basically irreversible.

    Also as it’s down at the domain level, mistakes have been made. For example preloading but then discovering afterwards that, or have not been upgraded to HTTPS. At this point your options are 1) upgrade all non-HTTPS site to HTTPS and live with zero users to the site until the or 2) reverse the preload and wait the months for that to roll out to all browsers and deal with zero users until then.

    HTTPS is much more common now, so the risks are reduced but when HSTS preload first came out, these were real risks.

    Therefore the preload attribute was a signal that the site owner was ready for that commitment. It also prevented someone else submitting a site that wasn’t using this header (whether maliciously or with good, but misguided, intentions).

    You are correct in that it doesn’t “do” anything in the browser.

    There was also talk of checking if the preload header was still being sent, and if not removing the site from the preload list but not sure if that’s done.