Yes, something similar has been asked at least a couple of times before. Thus I know the answer: You just replay the events on the new handler, simple. But having a go at an actual implementation raises some questions.
I'm using JOlivier's EventStore which seems nice. For starters I'll ignore the concept of SnapShots and just look at a way to get my events out. All I could get going is this code:
var commitList = Store.GetFrom(DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(-1));
foreach (var commit in commitList)
foreach (var comittedEvent in commit.Events)
if (comittedEvent.Body is SomeDomainEvent)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Found interesting event: {0}", ((SomeDomainEvent)comittedEvent.Body).Value));
First question here is of course: Is this the way to do it? I'm having trouble using the parameter for "GetFrom" since it's just a DateTime and I can't be sure that all servers are in sync timewise. What if the the clock on one server is 1 minut behind another? Or ½ hour? I'm also using NServiceBus so the new handler queue will pile up events from a certain point in time - but how can I be 100% sure that there isn't 10 seconds missing here? Please tell me how you get events out of the EventStore while being 100% (not 99%) sure that the new application view is completely in sync when started.
Also: Do you create a special import method in your code? I mean, suppose the handler in my new application sends out an email when it handles "SomeDomainEvent". I don't want it to send out emails for all 10.000 old events. How do you do this "import" in praxis/code?