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why summernote not retrieving data into textarea for editing the text or for changes

I am using summernote rich text editor, and I want to edit my posted data(stored in DB). I am sending the value to the text area and inputs but not showing into the text area and showing into the input. kindly share some solutions and suggestions with me. any jquery and js function like this... here is rendered data to web page

 route.get('/edit/:id', async (req, res) =>{
    const id = 
const article = await Article.findById(id)

and here is ejs or HTML

<%- include('header'); -%>
<div class="container-9">
    <h2>Create Article Here</h2>
<form action="/create/blog" method='post'>
  <input type="text" name="title" id="" placeholder="Enter Title" value='<%=article.title%>'/>
  <input  type="text" name="description" id="dics" placeholder="Enter Description" value='<%=article.discription%>'/>

  <button id='btn-post' type="submit">Post</button>
  <textarea name='content' id="body" rows="10" value="<%=article.content%>" ></textarea>
<%- include('footer'); -%>


  • I have solved this problem with help of one line of code. I have got the solution after 2 month

     var value = $('#value').val()
            $('textarea#body').summernote('pasteHTML', value);

    if want to render the HTML for edit this will work, var value = $('#value').val() it just receiving the value (HTML) from the backend and $('textarea#body').summernote('pasteHTML', value); this line of code pesting the HTML into summernote editor.