My component 'ReportWrapper' is something like below where it import 'getReportData' which in turn return data async.
import { getReportData } from "../dataFecther";
export const ReportWrapper = ({ query }) => {
const { data, loading, error } = getReportData({ type: "1", query });
return (
The way it fetch data may not be suitable for writing Storybook stories. Is there a way to override this import of 'getReportData' to something like a mock import in stories.
Sample story
export default {
title: "Storybook",
component: ReportWrapper,
// More on argTypes:
const Template = ({ args }) => {
return (
<ReportWrapper {...args} />
export const First = Template.bind({});
First.args = {
storyName: "First One",
If I understand correctly you want to use a different getReportData
in stories. I read this as mocking a module in stories.
I managed to do this using Storybook's webpackFinal
config and to add a webpack plugin - webpack's NormalModuleReplacementPlugin
Basically you can replace a module in stories using this approach.
You could try this in your storybook config:
module.exports = {
webpackFinal: async (config, { configType }) => {
new webpack.NormalModuleReplacementPlugin(
path.join(__dirname, 'mockedDataFetcher.js')