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gitlab: How to have a another gitlab-ci.yml and use it whenever i want, instead of automatic triggering

I have a gitlab-ci.yml file, which gets triggered when I commit changes.

I want to have another file gitlab-ci-notrigger.yml which will not be triggered. But I can use this to run pipeline whenever i want manually

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  • You can create a job than must be run manually

    You can require that a job doesn’t run unless a user starts it.
    This is called a manual job.

    You might want to use a manual job for something like deploying to production.

    To specify a job as manual, add when: manual to the job in the .gitlab-ci.yml file.

    By default, manual jobs display as skipped when the pipeline starts.

    The OP adds:

    # WANT deploy-to-stage TO BE RUN ONLY WHEN automatic
      stage: staging

    Check if using except can help:

    # WANT deploy-to-stage TO BE RUN ONLY WHEN automatic
      stage: staging
        - except: manual