I have Python Flask application that uses @app.errorhandler
to return json a object instead of the typical HTML messages when occurrs a bad request, method not allowed, page not found or any other HTTP exception.
I am now trying to make nginx handle such things with only partial success. When I make a request using an invalid method (e.g. PATCH) I get the json message. But when I use an unexisting page, I get the typical HTML message.
This is how my nginx server configuration looks like. It is the example given in the Flask docs with two extra lines at the end:
server {
location / {
limit_except GET POST {
deny all;
try_files $uri @yourapplication;
location @yourapplication {
include uwsgi_params;
uwsgi_pass unix:///tmp/uwsgi.sock;
proxy_intercept_errors on;
include api_json_errors.conf;
where api_json_errors.conf
is something like this:
error_page 400 = @400;
location @400 { return 400 '{"status":400,"message":"Bad request"}\n'; }
You have to use uwsgi_intercept_errors with uwsgi_pass
And proxy_intercept_errors
with proxy_pass