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Farthest node in array

I want a function an array of hyphenated letters representing paths between those two nodes. For example: ["a-b","b-c","b-d"] means that there is a path from node a to b (and b to a), b to c, and b to d. My program should determine the longest path that exists in the graph and return the length of that path. In this case, the output should be 2 because of the paths a-b-c and d-b-c. No cycles should exist in the graph and every node will be connected to some other node in the graph.

Other examples:

Input: ["b-e","b-c","c-d","a-b","e-f"]
Output: 4

Input: ["b-a","c-e","b-c","d-c"]
Output: 3


  • You can try following solution


    def find_farthest_nodes(input_path: str):
        path_list = [path.replace('-', '') for path in input_path]
        # print('path_list:', path_list)
        # All points
        node_list = list(set(''.join(path_list)))  # ['b', 'd', 'f', 'a', 'c', 'e']
        # print('node_list:', node_list)
        node_list.sort()  # ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']
        # print('node_list:', node_list)
        # Search all one step paths to a point
        def search_one_step_path(node: str):
            one_step_paths_list = []
            for path in path_list:
                if node in path:
                    if node == path[1]:
                        path = path[1] + path[0]
            return one_step_paths_list
        # Search all N-step path of a point
        def search_n_step_path(node_degree_list: list):
            n_step_path_list = []
            for path in node_degree_list:
                # Search for all first-order paths of the n + 1 point
                # For example: search the first order path of the 3rd point
                one_step_paths_list = search_one_step_path(path[-1])
                # Delete the path containing the previous order (n-th point)
                # For example: delete the path to the second point based on the 2-step path
                one_step_paths_list = [p for p in one_step_paths_list if path[-2] not in p]
                #  The original n-step path + all steps in this node, get all the N + 1-stage path under this node
                n_step_path_part_list = [path[:-1] + p for p in one_step_paths_list]
                #  The path to all nodes is added together to form all N + 1-stage paths of origin
            return n_step_path_list
        for node in node_list:
            node_degree_list = search_one_step_path(node)
            length, farthest_node_length = 1, 1
            farthest_path, highest_degree_node_list = node_degree_list, node_degree_list
            while True:
                higher_degree_node_list = search_n_step_path(node_degree_list)
                if higher_degree_node_list:
                    highest_degree_node_list = higher_degree_node_list
                    length += 1
                node_degree_list = higher_degree_node_list
            if length > farthest_node_length:
                farthest_node_length = length
                farthest_path = highest_degree_node_list
        return farthest_node_length,farthest_path
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        # Enter the adjacent path to get the farthest path
        input_paths = [["a-b","b-c","b-d"], ["b-e","b-c","c-d","a-b","e-f"], ["b-a","c-e","b-c","d-c"]]
        for input_path in input_paths:
            farthest_node_length, farthest_path = find_farthest_nodes(input_path)
            print(f'For {input_path} path the farthest node length: {farthest_node_length} and one of farthest node paths: {farthest_path}')


    For ['a-b', 'b-c', 'b-d'] path the farthest node length: 2 and one of farthest node paths: ['dba', 'dbc']
    For ['b-e', 'b-c', 'c-d', 'a-b', 'e-f'] path the farthest node length: 4 and one of farthest node paths: ['febcd']
    For ['b-a', 'c-e', 'b-c', 'd-c'] path the farthest node length: 3 and one of farthest node paths: ['ecba']