I'm following this AWS documentation which explains how to properly configure AWS Secrets Manager to let it works with EKS through Kubernetes Secrets.
I successfully followed step by step all the different commands as explained in the documentation.
The only difference I get is related to this step where I have to run:
kubectl get po --namespace=kube-system
The expected output should be:
csi-secrets-store-qp9r8 3/3 Running 0 4m
csi-secrets-store-zrjt2 3/3 Running 0 4m
but instead I get:
csi-secrets-store-provider-aws-lxxcz 1/1 Running 0 5d17h
csi-secrets-store-provider-aws-rhnc6 1/1 Running 0 5d17h
csi-secrets-store-secrets-store-csi-driver-ml6jf 3/3 Running 0 5d18h
csi-secrets-store-secrets-store-csi-driver-r5cbk 3/3 Running 0 5d18h
As you can see the names are different, but I'm quite sure it's ok :-)
The real problem starts here in step 4: I created the following YAML file (as you ca see I added some parameters):
apiVersion: secrets-store.csi.x-k8s.io/v1alpha1
kind: SecretProviderClass
name: aws-secrets
provider: aws
objects: |
- objectName: "mysecret"
objectType: "secretsmanager"
And finally I created a deploy (as explain here in step 5) using the following yaml file:
# test-deployment.yaml
kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
name: nginx-secrets-store-inline
serviceAccountName: iamserviceaccountforkeyvaultsecretmanagerresearch
- image: nginx
name: nginx
- name: mysecret-volume
mountPath: "/mnt/secrets-store"
readOnly: true
- name: mysecret-volume
driver: secrets-store.csi.k8s.io
readOnly: true
secretProviderClass: "aws-secrets"
After the deployment through the command:
kubectl apply -f test-deployment.yaml -n mynamespace
The pod is not able to start properly because the following error is generated:
Error from server (BadRequest): container "nginx" in pod "nginx-secrets-store-inline" is waiting to start: ContainerCreating
But, for example, if I run the deployment with the following yaml the POD will be successfully created
# test-deployment.yaml
kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
name: nginx-secrets-store-inline
serviceAccountName: iamserviceaccountforkeyvaultsecretmanagerresearch
- image: nginx
name: nginx
- name: keyvault-credential-volume
mountPath: "/mnt/secrets-store"
readOnly: true
- name: keyvault-credential-volume
emptyDir: {} # <<== !! LOOK HERE !!
as you can see I used
emptyDir: {}
So as far I can see the problem here is related to the following YAML lines:
driver: secrets-store.csi.k8s.io
readOnly: true
secretProviderClass: "aws-secrets"
To be honest it's even not clear in my mind what's happing here. Probably I didn't properly enabled the volume permission in EKS?
Sorry but I'm a newbie in both AWS and Kubernetes configurations. Thanks for you time
--- NEW INFO ---
If I run
kubectl describe pod nginx-secrets-store-inline -n mynamespace
where nginx-secrets-store-inline is the name of the pod, I get the following output:
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal Scheduled 30s default-scheduler Successfully assigned mynamespace/nginx-secrets-store-inline to ip-10-0-24-252.eu-central-1.compute.internal
Warning FailedMount 14s (x6 over 29s) kubelet MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "keyvault-credential-volume" : rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to get secretproviderclass mynamespace/aws-secrets, error: SecretProviderClass.secrets-store.csi.x-k8s.io "aws-secrets" not found
Any hints?
Finally I realized why it wasn't working. As explained here, the error:
Warning FailedMount 3s (x4 over 6s) kubelet, kind-control-plane MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "secrets-store-inline" : rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to get secretproviderclass default/azure, error: secretproviderclasses.secrets-store.csi.x-k8s.io "azure" not found
is related to namespace:
The SecretProviderClass being referenced in the volumeMount needs to exist in the same namespace as the application pod.
So both the yaml file should be deployed in the same namespace (adding, for example, the -n mynamespace argument). Finally I got it working!