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Python graph segmentation

I am trying to detect an open door using LIDAR. I have 270 degrees LIDAR read and I'm trying to detect the door from the graph:

enter image description here

The door is the peak between 100 and 150. enter image description here

The door is between ~30 and ~40.

enter image description here

Here there is a "noise" spike.

I can see that there is a huge spike in the graph where the door "starts" and "ends". I wondered if the is a scipy/numpy or other library function that can detect this.



  • I don't think there is a function for this, your problem is kind of specific. But, I think it wouldn't be hard to detect this manually, since other parts of the detection don't have such high derivatives.

    You can do something like this:

    dx = 2
    dy = 4
    spike_start = None
    spike_end = None
    for i in range(len(points)):
        # Detect high derivative when spike starts
        if spike_start is None and points[i] - points[i-dx] >= dy:
            spike_start = i
        # Detect high negative derivative when spike ends
        if spike_start is not None and points[i-dx] - points[i] >= dy:
            spike_end = i
    if spike_start is not None and spike_end is not None:
        print(f"Door is between {spike_start} and {spike_end}")
        print("Door not found")

    Play with dx and dy to properly detect the spike.