I have a while loop that reads from a serial port using a scanner and adds all the data it reads to a List<String>
My problem is I don't know how to exit the loop when I receive the data?
The data I receive in the loop is
[***, REPORT, ***, MIB-Series, Currency, Counter, --------------------------------, Mar.6,2022,, 01:26, Station:1, Deposit, No.:, 2, Mixed, Mode, RSD, UV, MG, IR, --------------------------------, DENOM, UNIT, TOTAL, D10, 0, D, 0, D20, 0, D, 0, D50, 0, D, 0, D100, 0, D, 0, D200, 0, D, 0, D500, 0, D, 0, D1000, 0, D, 0, D2000, 0, D, 0, D5000, 0, D, 0, --------------------------------, TOTAL, 0, D, 0, --------------------------------, m3]
And the code that I use is
public static List<String> readFromPort(SerialPort serialPort) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(serialPort.getInputStream());
List<String> line = new ArrayList<>();
while (sc.hasNextLine()) {
return line;
I tried adding this condition to WHILE loop && !line.contains("m3")
but for some reason, I then have to press "Send" on the serial device twice to receive data. If I use some other string from the list it works fine(I press "Send" only once), but then I don't receive the complete data.
Any ideas what else to try?
NOTE: I'm using JSerialComm library.
EDIT: The String at the end of List is like in the screenshot below, the two unrecognized characters are deleted automatically when I post the question.
I solved this using this code:
public static List<String> readFromPort(SerialPort serialPort) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(serialPort.getInputStream());
List<String> line = new ArrayList<>();
while (sc.hasNextLine()) {
return line;
I added an IF statement inside the WHILE loop which contained the same condition as I previously used in WHILE loop. This solved my problem, and now I'm getting the correct data with only one click on "Send" from my device.
Thanks everyone for your help.